The Fed Mission Success Round Up: Biden Administration Enhancing AI Use Case Reporting; Government Facilities Are Ransomware Targets; and AI Safety Needed

Welcome to the Fed Mission Success News Round Up brought to you by Makpar. Each week, we will provide a summary of actionable news and insights to help aid in overall mission success for Federal agency IT decision-makers and influencers.

Biden Administration Working on ‘Enhancing’ AI Use Case Reporting

The Biden administration’s efforts to improve reporting of artificial intelligence use case inventories include efforts to make them more searchable, according to Federal CIO Clare Martorana.

Government Facilities Were Third Largest Ransomware Target in 2023

Government facilities were the third largest critical infrastructure sector targeted by ransomware attacks in 2023, according to cybercrime statistics recently released by the FBI.

Senate Bill Calls on NIST to Boost Work on Emerging Tech Standards

A newly introduced bipartisan Senate bill seeks to improve U.S. participation in international standards-setting bodies for emerging technologies by creating a pilot program that would fund the hosting of standard-setting meetings in the United States.

Regulators Should Consider Three Factors For AI Safety, Former National Cyber Director Says

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning systems should be treated holistically, focusing on both the technology and societal components, according to former National Cyber Director Chris Inglis.

VA Budget Bill Maintains EHR Funding But Imposes Additional ‘Reset’ Oversight

The bipartisan budget package includes more than $1.3 billion in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs to continue deploying its new Oracle Cerner electronic health record system, but would make part of that funding dependent upon VA being more transparent with Congress.

NSF Announces $40 Million for AI-Powered Protein Design Applications

The National Science Foundation is looking to foster more research and innovation in applications that artificial intelligence may have in protein design — a field of biotechnology that offers potential advances across several fields, like medicine and environmental protection.


Q&A: Fareeha Khan, Director of Marketing & Communications at Makpar, Discusses Government IT Marketing Successes


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