The Fed Mission Success Round Up: Emerging Technologies and Developments; Cyber Attacks and Vulnerabilities

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Welcome to the Fed Mission Success News Round Up brought to you by Makpar. Each week, we will provide a summary of actionable news and insights to help aid in overall mission success for federal agency IT decision-makers and influencers.

NIST Testing Automated Delivery of New Security Controls

NIST is testing a web-based, automated content control development and delivery system to allow users to automatically download and apply controls and updates to SP 800-53 

This Is IT: Small Business IT Obligations Reach All Time High

Small business Federal IT spending continued to increase from 2019 to 2020, according to research performed by Bloomberg Government. If historical trends continue, $28.3 billion in IT obligations will be going to small businesses in FY 2021. IT Outsourcing is the primary growth area for small businesses in the federal IT space.

How Will Federal IT Modernization Be Impacted by the Pandemic Response?

A recent Chief Information Office survey from the Professional Services Council sketches out the strides IT leaders have made on technology upgrades and how those efforts might evolve.

DoD’s JAIC Rolls Out New Contracts to Speed Up AI Acquisition

The Defense Department has made no secret about its ambitions to employ commercial advances in artificial intelligence in military systems. But adapting the government acquisition process to those technological developments is no small matter. 

Revitalizing Government Networks with SD-WAN

For agencies looking to make long-term changes that will improve the bottom line, SD-WAN is a cost-effective solution that supports high bandwidth connectivity options and management by application, ensuring improved performance.

NextGen Federal Systems Aids Federal Defense, Intelligence Agencies Through Technology Development

Aiming to aid the United States military and other federal entities in their ongoing operations, Morgantown-based NextGen Federal Systems has been hard at work developing new technology through the use of virtual reality, drones and more.

Suspected Chinese Hackers Exploit a Different SolarWinds Hack To Compromise USDA’s National Finance Center.

United States Department of Agriculture was exploited by a second SolarWinds hacking to penetrate finance systems.

Biden Wants the IRS to Drive His Recovery Plan

The mission threatens to stretch the IRS between its main function as the nation’s chief income collector and its comparatively new presence as the distributor of coronavirus aid

From the Makpar Blog…

In case you missed it, here are our latest blog posts:


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Eric Hysen, New DHS CIO, to Bring Focus on Innovation and Digital Engagement


PODCAST: The SolarWinds Breach Points to Need for Cyber Fundamentals