The Fed Mission Success Round Up: Cybersecurity, the Cloud, Modernization, and More in Federal Agencies

Welcome to the Fed Mission Success News Round Up brought to you by Makpar. Each week, we will provide a summary of actionable news and insights to help aid in overall mission success for Federal agency IT decision-makers and influencers.

Biden Calls For 11% Boost in Federal IT Budget, $10.9B For Cyber

The White House is calling for an 11% overall increase in Federal IT spending for fiscal 2023 in addition to nearly $11 billion proposed to bolster Federal cybersecurity.

GAO: Cyber Command Lacks Metrics for Assessing Its Weapons and Platforms

Despite some progress in maturing its architecture for guiding major purchases of platforms, U.S. Cyber Command still has not developed an outcome-based metric to support assessments of programs and staffing issues for acquisitions. Can Support 100 Million Users Per Hour Under Air Force, GSA Collab

The tech-savvy Kessel Run division of the Air Force and the GSA’s Technology Transformation Services worked together to improve customer service on the Federal government's cloud software platform.

Pentagon’s Effort to Supply Departmentwide Cloud Capabilities is Delayed, Again

The Defense Department is delaying the award for its latest multibillion-dollar program to provide enterprise-wide commercial cloud services to the end of the year—which means certain solutions likely won’t be deployed until at least mid-2023.

The IC's 4-year Emerging Tech Investment Plan

The intelligence community wants to invest heavily in emerging technologies to solve problems like being able to identify improvised explosive devices and their respective networks. But to better ensure its needs are met, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence mapped out a four-year investment strategy to make it easier for companies to connect with program managers. 

House Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Address NARA Veterans’ Records Backlog

House lawmakers have introduced legislation to address the backlog of veterans’ record requests at the National Archives and Records Administration.

SAM.Gov Outage Planned This Weekend as Transition Away From DUNS Numbers Takes Effect

The General Services Administration plans to take and other systems down this weekend as it completes its transition to a new unique entity identifier for those doing business with the Federal government.

White House Proposes Extra $300M For Technology Modernization Fund In 2023

The Biden administration has asked lawmakers to approve an additional $300 million in funding for the Technology Modernization Fund as part of the president’s fiscal 2023 budget request.

Labor Dept. Seeks $3.4 Billion For UI Programs, Including IT Modernization

The Biden administration is looking for $3.4 billion to "modernize, protect and strengthen" the unemployment insurance system in its budget request for fiscal year 2023 as part of the 18% increase for the Labor Department overall from the 2021 enacted level.

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