The Fed Mission Success Round Up: Cybersecurity, Modernization, Health IT and More in Federal Agencies

Welcome to the Fed Mission Success News Round Up brought to you by Makpar. Each week, we will provide a summary of actionable news and insights to help aid in overall mission success for Federal agency IT decision-makers and influencers.

State Department Launches New Cyber Bureau

In response to technology’s increasingly important role in 21st century society and diplomacy, the U.S. Department of State recently established the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy. 

Half of Federal Agencies Expected to Meet All Zero Trust Requirements by 2024 Deadline

Just under half of Federal agencies are expected to meet all zero trust requirements by OMB’s 2024 deadline as laid out in President Biden’s 2021 cybersecurity executive order, according to a new survey by GDIT.

US Signs on to New Electronic Evidence Protocol in International Cybercrime Agreement

The United States has signed onto a new protocol under the first international treaty on the prevention of cybercrime that would, among other things, allow law enforcement to seek information directly from service providers with access to electronic evidence that can be used to catch criminals.

Biden to Sign Bill to Create Rotational Program for Federal Cybersecurity Workforce

President Biden is preparing to sign into a law a bill that would create a civilian personnel rotation program for cybersecurity professionals working at Federal agencies. Once enacted, the Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act will establish a formal mechanism to allow staff to spend time working at different government agencies to gain experience beyond their primary assignments.

OMB Names 5 Priority Areas to Improve Interagency Customer Experience, As IRS Also Tackles Citizen Services

The Biden administration is telling agencies to prioritize customer experience improvements around five cross-cutting areas. These include helping members of the public who are approaching retirement, recovering from a disaster or transitioning from active-duty military service. Agencies are also directed to improve services that support low-income mothers and children, as well as those suffering from a sudden financial loss who may be newly eligible for public assistance programs.

Millions of Destroyed Tax Forms Deal Reviled IRS Fresh Black Eye

The revelation that the IRS quietly disposed of around 30 million unprocessed tax documents is the latest blow to the reputation of an agency that has long struggled with its public perception.

Disability Bias in AI Hiring Tools Targeted in US Guidance

Employers have a responsibility to inspect artificial intelligence tools for disability bias and should have plans to provide reasonable accommodations, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Justice Department said in guidance documents.

How Strategy and Technology Can Prevent Patient Leakage, Bolster Access to Care

Healthcare provider organizations today strive to operate as one system of care, which can be a challenge. The pandemic has brought this issue into stark focus by magnifying the challenge and accentuating its impact on patient access, care and leakage. This article discusses strategies for reducing patient leakage and tools to improve access across the care continuum.

From the Makpar Blog …

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