The Fed Mission Success Round Up: Cybersecurity, Modernization, Acquisition, and More in Federal Agencies

Welcome to the Fed Mission Success News Round Up brought to you by Makpar. Each week, we will provide a summary of actionable news and insights to help aid in overall mission success for Federal agency IT decision-makers and influencers.

NSA Publishes Guidance for Best Practices in Network Design Configuration

In furtherance of its new public-facing security posture, the National Security Agency released a report guiding network architects and administrators on best practices for establishing their networks.

Russia’s Cyber Tactics Are Prompting the FCC to Address Internet Routing Security

The Federal Communications Commission cited Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in announcing its unanimous approval of a notice of inquiry for secure use of the Border Gateway Protocol, the internet’s routing system.

Russia Weighs Risks of Launching Cyberattacks Against The West

Although the United States is bracing for retaliatory Russian cyberattacks, experts in the field say the Kremlin is likely still weighing whether destructive action in cyberspace is worth the blowback.

Senate Passes Cybersecurity Bill Amid Fears of Russian Cyberattacks

The Senate unanimously passed cybersecurity legislation on Tuesday that would require companies in critical sectors to alert the government of potential hacks or ransomware. 

Department of Labor Taking ‘Multi-Pronged Approach’ to Funding IT Modernization

The Department of Labor has a list of the 50 top IT modernization needs across the agency’s dozens of mission areas. To make substantial progress on such a long list, Labor is taking a “multi-pronged approach” to fund that modernization, driven in large part by pursuing money from the Technology Modernization Fund.

NSA Stresses Vendor Diversification in Guidance on Network Segmentation

A technical cybersecurity report the National Security Agency compiled based on its experience evaluating the defense industrial base highlighted the danger associated with developing a software “monoculture” when designing network architecture.

NASA Looks to Consolidate Apps and Platforms Across Centers With New Task Order

NASA seeks to consolidate application and platform services at its 10 centers by merging requirements across several existing contracts into one.

OPM Speeding Up Zero-Trust Security Implementation With TMF Funds

The Office of Personnel Management is implementing a zero-trust security architecture faster because of the $9.9 million in Technology Modernization Fund dollars it received in September.

Decades of Neglect Leave I.R.S. in Tax Season ‘Chaos’

Much of the agency’s current woes can be traced to those budget cuts, which have eroded the agency’s ability to function at a critical moment. Staffing shortages and antiquated technology have collided with a pandemic that kept much of the agency’s work force at home while the I.R.S. was turned into an economic relief spigot responsible for churning out checks and other stimulus payments to millions of Americans.

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