The Fed Mission Success Round Up: Cybersecurity, Emerging Tech, Modernization, and More in Federal Agencies

Welcome to the Fed Mission Success News Round Up brought to you by Makpar. Each week, we will provide a summary of actionable news and insights to help aid in overall mission success for Federal agency IT decision-makers and influencers. 

FTC Considering New Data Privacy Regulations That Go Beyond Asking Users for Consent 

The Federal Trade Commission is considering establishing new rules for how companies collect, secure, use and sell consumers’ data that go beyond asking users to agree to opaque and often misleading terms of service. On Monday, the commission will post an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, or ANPR, that outlines current consumer data issues and asks for public feedback on creating new regulations that focus on baseline privacy, data security and corporate accountability rather than user consent. 

NIST to Release New Playbook for AI Best Practices 

Experts at the National Institute of Standards and Technology want public and private entities to take a socio-technical approach to implementing artificial intelligence technologies to help mitigate algorithmic biases and other risks to AI systems, as detailed in a new playbook. The playbook is meant to act as a companion guide to NIST’s Risk Management Framework, the final version of which will be submitted to Congress in early 2023.   

NIST Redesigns Platform for Reporting Federally Funded Inventions 

The National Institute of Standards and Technology upgraded the iEdison platform to include new features and an improved interface. 

Library Of Congress Launches Key Module for New Copyright Records Platform 

The first public module within the Library of Congress’ new Enterprise Copyright System launched Aug. 1 and lays the foundation for future components intended to support its entire copyright services ecosystem. Launching the first module, which is known as the Copyright Recordation System (CRS), was the first step in improving and integrating all of the Copyright Office’s technology systems — which also handle copyright registration, public records and internal licensing — into a platform called the Enterprise Copyright System (ECS). 

DevSecOps is Enabling VA's Secure EHR Integration 

The Department of Veterans Affairs is looking to foster a secure transition to its new Oracle Cerner electronic health records system through DevSecOps and other streamlined development practices. 

VA Data Shows Oracle Cerner EHR Hit with Nearly 500 Major Incidents Since Initial Rollout 

The Department of Veteran Affairs has recorded almost 500 major incidents with its new Oracle-Cerner electronic health records system and at least 45 days of downtime within the system since it was rolled out in the fall of 2020, according to internal VA data. 

GSA Adds $25 Billion To Ceiling Value of Alliant 2, Sketches Out Timeline for Alliant 3 

The General Services Administration's updates for industry include timing for Alliant 3 as well as a higher ceiling for the current Alliant program. 

From the Makpar Blog … 

In case you missed it, here are our latest blog posts:

Makpar has over a decade of experience providing high-level strategic and project management services, focused on cybersecurity and cutting-edge technologies. Please contact us here for more information about how we can enhance mission success for your agency.


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