The Fed Mission Success Round Up: Automation, Modernization, Cybersecurity, and Agile Management in Federal Agencies

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May 3, 2021

Welcome to the Fed Mission Success News Round Up brought to you by Makpar. Each week, we will provide a summary of actionable news and insights to help aid in overall mission success for Federal agency IT decision-makers and influencers.

CMS Proposes Modifications to the Promoting Interoperability Program

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is floating new requirements for hospitals to report on syndromic surveillance, immunization registries, electronic case reporting and electronic reportable laboratory results. It also has new plans for quality reporting.

One Bot Saves NSF Staff Roughly 25,000 Hours Per Year, CIO Says

The last few years mark the early end of the National Science Foundation’s journey adopting robotic process automation, the buzzy emerging technology practice that involves deploying bots or digital assistants to essentially mimic humans performing repetitive, menial tasks.

Information Technology: Agencies Need to Develop and Implement Modernization Plans for Critical Legacy Systems

The U.S. government plans to spend over $100 billion this fiscal year on information technology. Most of that will be used to operate and maintain existing systems, including aging (also called "legacy") systems.

For Defense, Continuous Modernization Requires Data, Algorithms, and New Business Approaches

Speed of decision-making will be an increasingly important capability for Defense Department planners. Modern weapons systems in the hands of new and morphing adversaries have reduced, in effect, the protective distances the United States has traditionally enjoyed.

More Mature 10x Program Selects 22 New Projects

The General Services Administration’s 10x technology investment program will fund 22 Phase 1 projects based on new priorities set last year. The projects fit three themes: rebuilding public trust, environmental protection, and promoting equity.

Improving Cybersecurity Through Cross-Agency Collaboration

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is working to secure supply chains and leverage new standardization to protect IT networks.

First it was Agile Software Development, Now Agile Management is Remaking the Workplace

The most effective managers have used the past 12 months to support new remote-working practices with Agile leadership styles. Developing your cultural DNA and organizational strategy around the values and principles established in the manifesto is pivotal according to digital leaders. 2021 will see those values and principles being adopted and leveraged not just for software development, but also for other product development programs/projects, whether they're in sales, marketing, or other business areas.

From the Makpar Blog …

In case you missed it, here are our latest blog posts:


Makpar has over a decade of experience providing high-level strategic and project management services, focused on cybersecurity and cutting-edge technologies. Please contact us here for more information about how we can enhance mission success for your agency.


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