Small business.
Big ideas for Federal IT.

Makpar is an experienced solutions-oriented contractor focused on modernizing IT infrastructure for the Federal government.

What We Do

Client Testimonials

  • We have been immensely impressed how Makpar steps up to new challenges. They established a leading-edge test automation framework with stellar results. This enabled our agency to create an Independent Verification and Validation suite as part of our quality improvement processes.

    Federal Agency Executive

  • With my over 30 years of service in both the private sector and government, it is rare to have an opportunity to work with such talented and high-caliber individuals as the professionals who are part of the Makpar team.

    Federal Agency Project Manager


Makpar Innovation Lab

We use our in-house Research & Development Lab to innovate and build the right solutions for government today. We are proactively finding support for pressing strategic issues facing Federal agencies today.

  • We seek to get a strong grasp on what the challenges are Federal customers are facing. Once we have a good understanding, we move to prototyping.

  • The Innovation Lab is a talented team of developers who work together to build solutions that are consistent, secure, reliable, and advance mission success.

    Skillsets include: AWS, AI/ML, DevSecOps, SAFe Agile, UX, CI/CD Automation

  • Innovation doesn’t always need to mean building something new. Often we can find new ways to use old solutions. Let’s find the right fit for you.





The Makpar Blog

Weekly insight on Federal IT modernization, evolving technology trends, and the culture and people here at Makpar.